Thursday 9 January 2014


Following Lean Startup principals, JamiiLabs is currently trialling (with a very limited number of invite-only users) the MVP of their very first Android application - Drop.

Drop aims to make you explorers of your city - whether that's the city you live in or one you're visiting.  Using the application, you can leave tiny notes around the world for other people to pick up.  What you say in these notes is up to you - want to recommend your favourite coffee place?  Point out a hidden pub?  Or leave some piece of trivia about the local area?  As an explorer, you get to see things through other people's eyes, try their recommendations or find secret gems.

Which means there's one caveat to the way Drop works - you leave messages at the exact location you are right now, and you can only read messages within a short distance of where you are.  Drop makes you move around.  Sorry about that.  Think of it as an app that gets you to do exercise without all that sweating.

So have fun leaving your breadcrumbs of info and picking up other people's.  Go and Drop!

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